About us

Growing Up Policed

We are an intergenerational team of researchers from Make the Road New York & the Public Science Project. We are collecting the stories of young people’s experiences with the police and school safety officers.  We know there are many different perspectives on the NYPD and we want to learn about it all. There have been over 1 million young people stopped over the past few years, each of these experiences is unique. As you listen to the stories, consider how the NYPD’s long history of aggressive, zero-tolerance policing policies are impacting young people and what should be done about it.

About the Public Science Project

The Public Science Project is dedicated to the advancement of participatory action research as a strategy for a more just world. With a deep commitment to democratizing the systematic production of knowledge, we collaborate with communities to design research that examines the impact of policy and structural injustice.

Brett Stoudt, PhD, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY (Co-Principal Investigator)

Caitlin Cahill, PhD, Pratt Institute (Co-Principal Investigator)

María Elena Torre, PhD, Director, Public Science Project, The Graduate Center, CUNY (Co-Principal Investigator)

Kimberly Belmonte, Graduate Center, CUNY
Selma Djokovic, Graduate Center, CUNYAmanda Matles, Graduate Center, CUNY

About Make the Road New York (MRNY)

Make the Road New York builds the power of Latino and working class communities to achieve dignity and justice through organizing, policy innovation, transformative education, and survival services. MRNY’s youth programs reach the low-income youth most at risk and support them in becoming effective thinkers, leaders and decision-makers. Make the Road combines arts, education, community engagement, and community responsibility within their campaigns—a multi-pronged approach that is carried into our research partnership. MRNY grassroots campaigns give young people—many of whom feel powerless and alienated—a voice in policies that affect them. MRNY programs provide academic and emotional support, cultivate creativity and critical thinking skills, and helps students seize educational opportunities. MRNY youth members have done extensive research and outreach, educating their peers and adults on policing and civil rights, and organizing young people to stand up for their rights—in school and in their communities.

Jose Lopez, Organizing Director, Make the Road NY (Community Principal Investigator)

Adilka Pimentel,Youth Organizer, Make the Road NY

Keeshan Harley, Youth Organizer, Make the Road NY

Justin Rosado,Youth Organizer, Make the Road NY


Growing Up Policed is supported the Adco Foundation; Antipode Foundation; Graduate Center, CUNY; Institute for Human Geography; John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY; Pratt Institute; Taconic Fellowship, Pratt Center for Community Development; and the Sociological Initiatives Foundation.

Website Design & Development

Amanda Matles, Graduate Center, CUNY
