We are a team of youth and adult researchers from Make the Road New York & The Public Science Project studying what it’s like to grow up policed in NYC.



Young people’s stories of encounters with the NYPD


Made by youth, for youth

Short Doc: Who’s Impacted by Stop and Frisk?

6 million stops since 2001. When will this end?


  • Broken Windows and the Promotion of Police Violence
    by Keeshan Harley, Youth Organizer/Researcher, Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn Months after the death of Eric Garner, all officers involved have yet to be held accountable. As I watch closely to all that is happening across the country in response to numerous cases, I reflect on my own interactions with the NYPD in my neighborhood of Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn. As a young black man who has been stopped and frisked over 100 times in the last six years, I realize that at any moment during those interactions, my life could have also been stripped away. Broken Windows policing that targets communities of color with overly aggressive… Read more: Broken Windows and the Promotion of Police Violence
  • Zero Tolerance for Police Brutality
    by Adilka Pimentel, Organizer/Researcher, Bushwick, Brooklyn The deaths of Eric Garner and Ramarley Graham in New York, Mike Brown in Ferguson, and so many others across the country highlight that police brutality and the hyper-aggressive policing targeted at communities of color continue throughout our city and nation. Both issues are systemic, long-term problems that are but one example of how far we must still go to reach genuine equality. They must be addressed at their roots. Anthony Baez, Noel Polanco, and Reynaldo Cuevas are just a few of the unarmed New Yorkers of color who have been unjustly killed by… Read more: Zero Tolerance for Police Brutality

Participatory Action Research: An Interactive Timeline

